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From the discount and scholarship options we can define the discount and scholarship which needs ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin



From the file option we can add files according to the defined categories.

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Fee Ratios


Meaning of fee ratios? Ans: fee ratios bhaneko chai jun hamle like pandemic ma yeti certain per...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Coaching Fees


By using this feature we can assign Coaching charges or Extra tuition fees to students automatica...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Lunch Fees


By using this feature we can assign Lunch charges to students automatically.    How to a...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Bus Fee


By using the bus fee option we can apply the bus charges to students automatically. First of all,...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Additional Fee


Additional fee option is used to view the details and delete the fee assigned to students through...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Custom Fee Group


This feature is used to assign students the custom default fees based on the “Team” which can be ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Custom Fee Bulk Assign/Edit


From Custom fee bulk assign/edit option we can add or edit the custom fee of a single month in a ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Fee Structure


Once we have defined the different fee types and fee names after that we have to set the fee stru...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin



Fees option is used to define the different heads and fee groups which are being used in school/c...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Credit Note

Invoice & Payment Credit Note

  How to issue a Credit Note? Ans: Click on Credit Note from the side menu bar. On the To...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Debit Note

Invoice & Payment Debit Note

Debit Note is used to adjust the generated invoice if some fee topic is missed while generating t...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Invoice & Payment Deposit

Here we can record the security deposit of the students, which will be refunded back to students ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Invoice Notification

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used to send the notification of the generated invoice in the student's app.     ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Search Invoice

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used to search the invoice in a print format based on the invoice number.     Ho...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Bulk Invoice Action

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is also used to create a Credit or Debit note but for multiple invoices at once.     ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Regenerate Invoices

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used for the correction in generated invoices. If a student has to pay a certain fee or g...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Miscellaneous Fee

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used to add the due on the student’s account and reflect it on the next period's invoice ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Quick Invoice

Invoice & Payment Invoices

  This is used to create the due bill for goods and services that is not included in the periodi...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin