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Bus Fee

By using the bus fee option we can apply the bus charges to students automatically. First of all, we have to route a map and assign it to students in Veda academics where the bus stops and the amount according to the stop are entered, and the same data is synced in Veda billing. 



How to set up and assign a bus fee?




Ans: After all the route under the academic part has been managed. Make sure a fee topic is created for the bus fee. For example, Transportation Fee. Then go to the option named “Bus Fee”, on the billing, and set the Transportation Fee for it to let the system know that the bus fee is to be generated under this fee heading.


After its setup has been done. Make sure the fee structure for this fee topic has been added for all of the classes. Then to actually assign the transportation fee to the students. Go to the same option, Bus fee. Select the route and bus stop. You will see the list of students for the selected bus route and stop. You can assign the same amount for all of the students that have been assigned in the academic part or if it is needed then you can also change the amount accordingly. After entering the amount, enter the month/period and enter submit. Now the bus fee has been successfully assigned to the students. Continue for remaining bus routes.