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Opening Deposit Report

Billing Reports Opening Balance

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Previous Year Due

Billing Reports Opening Balance

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Student Previous Year Due

Billing Reports Opening Balance

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Previous Balance

Billing Reports Opening Balance

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Billing Reports

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Push Notification

Veda Academic Notification

This notification feature is used to send bulk notifications to students/parents in the school ap...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Veda Academic Notification

Here we can find suggestions and appreciation sent from the parents/ students through their schoo...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Download Data

Veda Academic Students

This tab can be used to download student records in pdf, excel, or CSV format. There are various ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Student list

Veda Academic Students

Here we can view students in each class and section-wise, and we can perform various actions like...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Veda Academic Students

This panel is to search students added to the system. This bar can search students using their na...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Veda Academic Setup

From here we can add and view a list of sections. If there is a specific section for each class t...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Veda Academic Setup

From here, we can add and view a list of subjects. We can also update the subject order.  If ther...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Veda Academic Setup

From here we can add and view a list of classes. We can hide and unhide classes if needed.  Can ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin