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From here, we can add and view a list of subjects. We can also update the subject order.  If there is a specific subject according to class then we can set those subjects to respective classes so that subjects can be filtered according to classes automatically.

Can we edit the subject name?
No, we cannot edit the subject name once added, once renamed old subject and its data like marks, attendance, and homework will be removed unless the subject name is renamed back to the original. So it is better to rename the subject if there is no data in the subject or it's a new subject. Otherwise, subjects with lots of exam data should not be renamed.

What do assign subjects do?
Since the set of subjects being studied  in one class may not be the same in other classes, here we can define the set of subjects that they study from a list of all subjects. So this will help in adding exam detail to generate a list of subjects of each class according to the assigned subjects, subjects that are not assigned to specific classes will be filtered accordingly.