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Invoice & Payment Invoices

Invoices are the claim bill, bill that the school sends every month/period to the students regard...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Search Payment

Invoice & Payment Payment

This is used to find the receipt in a print format. This receipt can be searched based on the rec...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Payment Rectify

Invoice & Payment Payment

This is used to refund the advance amount in a student account based on a certain receipt. The fu...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Payment Refund

Invoice & Payment Payment

This is used to refund the advance amount in a student account. If an extra payment has been made...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

General Payment

Invoice & Payment Payment

This type of payment is used to receive payment from the students/parties which is not present in...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Quick Payment

Invoice & Payment Payment

This type of payment is used to receive payment from students for minor fees, which necessarily d...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin


Invoice & Payment Payment

This payment is used to receive payment from parents/students for their monthly invoices.    ...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Day End


Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Sync Student


Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Payment Change Logs

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Credit Note Feewise Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Debit Note Feewise Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Aggregate Discount Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Student Deposit Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Deposit/Refund Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Payment Refund Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Billing & Invoiced Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Due Summary Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Income Summary Report

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Account Summary

Billing Reports Miscellaneous Report

Updated 1 year ago by Admin