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Payment Refund

This is used to refund the advance amount in a student account. If an extra payment has been made to a certain student and has not been deducted by any invoice then that extra amount can be refunded in case of a student leaving school or parents wanting that amount back.  


How to enable Payment Refund?

Ans: Search the student name in the top search bar and click on the student name then go to configuration and enable the “Enable Payment Refund” option.



How to Payment Refund?

Ans: Go to the payment inside payment & invoices in the sidebar then click on the “Payment Refund” option then search for the student name and click on it. Their total refundable amount is shown on the side of “Refundable Amount”. Now type the amount you want to refund less than or equal to the refundable amount. Fill in the “Received By:” and “Remarks” and then click on submit.