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249 total results found


Invoice & Payment Invoices

Invoices are the claim bill, bill that the school sends every month/period to the students regarding their school/college due amount.     How to add an additional fee? Ans: Go to the Invoices option inside Invoices & Payment in the sidebar then clic...

Quick Invoice

Invoice & Payment Invoices

  This is used to create the due bill for goods and services that is not included in the periodic invoice and the bill for those items is currently given to students. For example: IF a student takes the coaching and that fee was not included in the periodic i...

Miscellaneous Fee

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used to add the due on the student’s account and reflect it on the next period's invoice for the goods and services that the student takes which is not included on the previous period's invoice. In this, no current bill is created and items and their a...

Regenerate Invoices

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used for the correction in generated invoices. If a student has to pay a certain fee or get a discount and it is not added while generating an invoice then the adjustments can be made and “Regenerate invoice” can be used for correction. Regenerate Invo...

Search Invoice

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used to search the invoice in a print format based on the invoice number.     How to Search for an Invoice? Ans: Go to the Invoices option inside Invoices & Payment in the sidebar then click on “Search invoice”.Type the invoice number that yo...

Invoice Notification

Invoice & Payment Invoices

This is used to send the notification of the generated invoice in the student's app.     How to send Invoice notifications? Ans: Go to the Invoices option inside Invoices & Payment in the sidebar then click on “Invoice Notification”.Select the period...

Previous Year Due

Billing Reports Opening Balance

Opening Deposit Report

Billing Reports Opening Balance


Billing Reports Payment Reports

Student Summary

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Payment Summary

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Feewise Payment

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Gradewise Summary

Billing Reports Payment Reports

All Grades Summary

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Transaction Summary

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Payment Method Daybook

Billing Reports Payment Reports

All Bills

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Void Payment

Billing Reports Payment Reports

Invoice Statement

Billing Reports Invoice Report

Monthly Invoice Statement

Billing Reports Invoice Report