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What can we do from the configuration?

Ans: From Configuration, we can do the overall setup for the system. Here we can enable disabled features, set the design of receipts and invoices, set the fine and discount conditions, set billing date and currency format, set the working time for user accounts, and choose a method to sync billing to finance.



How can we change invoice and receipt templates? 

Ans:  Go to “Configuration” inside “Settings” in the sidebar

For Invoice: Go to invoice template select the template from the dropdown aside “Select Template” and click on the preview to see how the template looks after you have found the required template click on submit button below working hours to save it.

For Receipt: Go to Receipt template select the template from the dropdown aside “Select Template” and click on the preview to see how the template looks after you have found the required template click on submit button below working hours to save it.



How to Setup a Fine and Discount?

Ans:  From the side menu bar, under Invoice & Payment, find the Quick Payment option and click on it. Search for the name of the Students you wish to take the Quick payment for. Upon selecting the student, search for the Fee name, and select it.